Monday, May 31, 2010

В Женеве состоится массовая антиизраильская манифестация!..

Еще накануне международная правозащитная организация «Права для всех» и Европейская кампания за снятие «израильской» блокады с Сектора Газа объявили о том, что в понедельник, 31 мая, в Женеве на Площади Наций состоится массовая манифестация с требованием убрать все препоны на пути «Свободной флотилии», пытающейся добраться до берегов осажденного палестинского анклава. Однако в свете тех событий, которые произошли сегодня утром, многолюдный митинг приобретет другой оттенок.

Организаторы обращаются к швейцарцам, иностранцам, живущим и работающим в стране, туристам и др. придти сегодня в 18 час.30 минут на женевскую Площадь Наций.

За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь на сайт

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Палестинские подростки подверглись изнасилованию в израильской тюрьме

Палестинские подростки, задержанные израильскими военными в прошлом году, заявили, что они подвергались издевательствам, в том числе изнасилованиям в тюрьме, - сообщает Пресс ТВ.

Дети направили жалобу в организацию «Международная защита детей». По словам сотрудников этой правозащитной группы, четверо детей утверждают, что подверглись изнасилованию, а 12 говорят, что им угрожали этим. На прошлой неделе «Международная защита детей» направила в ООН 14 докладов по этой проблеме.

Пресс-секретарь министерства обороны Израиля отверг обвинения в нарушении «процедуры ареста и допроса несовершеннолетних». «Аресты несовершеннолетних проводились в соответствии с международным правом», - заявил он.

Сейчас в израильских застенках томятся 7000 палестинцев, включая женщин и детей. Каждый год в тюрьмы Израиля попадает около 700 подростков в возрасте от 12 до 18 лет.

В январе правозащитная организация «Международная амнистия» сообщила о том, что все большее число несовершеннолетних заключенных подвергается постоянным избиениям, пыткам и сексуальным домогательствам в сионистских тюрьмах.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Гуманитарная помощь" от Америки - путь в рабство

Развитые капиталистические страны называют свою гуманитарную помощь мусульманским странам благотворительностью. Но на самом деле эти деньги помогают колониальным державам оказывать влияние на мусульманские страны. Зарубежная помощь- это инструмент контроля.

Так, например, в октябре прошлого года Барак Обама подписал "Соглашение о расширенном партнерстве" (или соглашение Керри-Лугара) с Пакистаном, согласно которому Америка обязуется выделить этой стране 7,5 миллиардов долларов "помощи" в течение 5 лет. Однако в самом Пакистане многие недовольны этим соглашением. Многие пакистанские военные до сих пор считают, что этот договор угрожает национальной безопасности страны.

Капиталистические страны вообще никогда не оказывают какой-либо помощи (военной, финансовой, продовольственной и т.д.) безвозмездно, потому, что краеугольным камнем капитализма является получение выгоды.

В обмен на американскую помощь Пакистан должен выполнить следующие условия:
1. Позволить США инспектировать ядерные объекты Пакистана.

2. Вашингтон должен утверждать любые назначения и продвижения по службе в пакистанской армии.

3. Пакистан должен прекратить поддержку "экстремистских и террористических групп", которые включают в себя мусульман, противостоящих оккупации Афганистана и Кашмира, и помешать им проводить военные операции в соседних странах.

4. "Пакистанские национальные, региональные и местные чиновники, активисты гражданского общества, предприниматели, религиозные и племенные лидеры" должны претворять в жизнь проекты США.

5. Пакистан должен изменить программу обучения в медресе
Кроме того, Пакистан должен отправить своих солдат сражаться за американские интересы против своих же братьев в исламе. Это не считая тысяч невинных жизней, которые унесли постоянные бомбардировки американских беспилотников на севере Пакистана.
Как видно, соглашение Керри-Лугара не прошло бесследно для геополитической ситуации в Пакистане и вокруг него.

Соглашение Керри-Лугара является не первым договором об американской помощи Пакистану. По данным американского Агентства международного развития, в период с 1946 по 2007 год только США оказали Пакистану военную и экономическую помощь на сумму 16,7 миллиардов долларов.

Но, несмотря на эту "помощь", уровень жизни пакистанцев нисколько не улучшился.

В Египте существуют сходные отношения между правящей элитой и их американскими спонсорами. Египет уже в течение 30 лет получает «помощь» от США в размере 5 миллиардов долларов на военные расходы, обучение и подготовку личного состава армии. Этой помощью Америка добивается того, чтобы египетская армия была лояльна к интересам США. Египет сейчас является ключевым инструментом США, который помогает им распространять свое влияние в Палестине, Сирии, Ливане, Судане и Иране, пишет автор блога Awaremuslim.

Israeli Nuclear Espionage: The Art of Keeping America at Risk for Fun and Profit

by Gordon Duff

This week, newspapers around the world received reports and signed documents from South Africa. The reports said that, in 1975, Israel agreed to sell South Africa nuclear weapons. South Africa then released an arms agreement signed by current Israeli President Shimon Peres. This is the document “heard round the world.”

Meetings are being held in New York to set up a conference for 2012 to guarantee that the Middle East is nuclear free. Israel has been informed that it will not be able to hide behind denials and that the nuclear arsenal put on the sale block by Israel in 1975, and nobody knows how many times since, has to go. When Israel was finally caught, it changed at least one part of a game, but the game will go on.

What does it mean? Neither South Africa nor Israel is admitting that the nukes were delivered. General beliefs are that they were, a real shock to Nelson Mandela when he took office, from prisoner of apartheid to commander of a nuclear power. What is proven by this is that Israel was, even 35 years ago, a nuclear state, in direct violation of numerous international treaties. It also proves that Israel offered nukes to South Africa, a rogue nation under sanctions that covered not only any weapons but trade as well. This made Israel a criminal state and Mr. Peres a war criminal.

More than that, it makes any aid America gives Israel illegal. If Israel is nuclear, which is now official, and in violation of international treaties, just as with Iraq and Iran, then America has to demand inspections and disarmament. There is no choice. This is the law. Law for Iran, law for Iraq is also law for Israel. Israel has expected this day for years. The US can’t give or sell arms to any country with an illegal nuclear arsenal. Worse than this, we are sworn to defend the world from any nation that would spread nuclear weapons, a charge made by the South African government, one that has been made before, but can no longer be ignored.

How did Russia get the bomb? Americans gave Russia the technologies, not just Americans but Zionists: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Morris Cohen, Martin Sobell, David Greenglass, Klaus Fuchs and Harry Gold. This was a couple of years before the establishment of the State of Israel or we would have called them all Israeli-Americans. They believed that America couldn’t be trusted and that infamous mass murderer Josef Stalin could. From this point on, spying against America, everything from secret weapons to defense plans, everything America depended on to stay safe was stolen and sold to Russia, China or North Korea by spy organizations run out of Israel.

The Rosenbergs died, executed for their crimes. They were communists and believed in what they were doing. Today this isn’t the case. America’s military secrets are being peddled around the world for money, to keep the world on edge and have built Israel into a military superpower based on stolen American technology and, we are told, a nuclear arsenal built from stolen American designs and fueled with 2.5 tons of “misplaced” plutonium, one of the great secrets of our era.

America’s nuclear program, Livermore Labs, Oak Ridge, Hanford, Rocky Flats, Fernald, Pantax, Portsmouth, Mound, Pinellas, Savannah River, Sandia Labs, Los Alamos and more, needed to enrich uranium, design and fabricate nuclear weapons is vast, covering enough area to encompass some states. Tens of thousands of employees, hundreds of billions of dollars and physical facilities so large they could be seen from the moon are involved. Yet, by 1975, not only was Israel armed to the teeth with nukes, a tiny country, but had so many they could sell them on the open market like gumdrops.

The only possible answer was that America was supplying Israel with weapons grade fissionable material, plutonium or uranium 235. A number of investigators and whistleblowers have tracked these shipments to NUMEC in Pennsylvania and to France. I have spoken with some who were involved in the investigation. No report has been made. Everyone involved has been discredited or silenced. Is it a rumor or did Israel kill the Kennedys for trying to create a “nuclear free” Middle East? As this is the only very strong motivation for the assassinations that has never been made into a movie or filmed in a TV series or documentary, I am putting my money on this. John F. Kennedy may have signed his own death warrant when he sent the final demand to Israeli President David Ben Gurion on July 5, 1963 demanding inspection of the Dimona nuclear facility. Ben Gurion resigned rather than receive the letter and before a new demand could reach Tel Aviv, Kennedy was dead.

The world is a funny place. With 95% of the world’s weapons design and development being done in the US, why is it that American technologies show up in enemy hands continually? Could the long history of Israeli spying against the US be involved?

Every advanced technology given by the US to Israel is reverse engineered and peddled to Venezuela, North Korea, China or the highest bidder. Any technology not offered is stolen. The game? Just as with peddling nukes to South Africa back in 1975, it is all about business.

The only reason Israel is on our radar is that their “games” played on the American stage with their puppet networks like Fox News and their political hacks, McCain, Lieberman, Waxman, Schumer and so many more, countless more, are ready to send a generation of American kids to war against Iran on the word of a proven liar, Israel, proven liar over peddling nukes, proven liar over settlements in Palestine, proven liar over Iraq’s nuke program—lies told and retold by the master storytellers who daily reinvent themselves as victims.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Framing Pakistan: How the Pro-Israel Media Enables India’s Surrogate Warfare

By Maidhc O' Cathail

In its bitter rivalry with India, Pakistan is at a fatal disadvantage. Unlike its South Asian neighbour, Islamabad lacks an ally with considerable influence over American mainstream media.

The latest example of US media complicity with the Indo-Israeli alliance came in the aftermath of the much-hyped Times Square “car-bomb” incident. Typical of the media orgy of Pakistan-bashing that followed the discovery of an SUV packed with 250 pounds of non-explosive fertilizer was a piece written by Newsweek’s Indian-born editor, Fareed Zakaria, in which he brands Pakistan as “a terrorist hothouse.”

“For a wannabe terrorist shopping for help, Pakistan is a supermarket,” writes Zakaria. “There are dozens of jihadi organizations: Jaish-e-Muhammad, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Al Qaeda, Jalaluddin and Siraj Haqqani’s network, Tehrik-e-Taliban, and the list goes on. Some of the major ones, like the Kashmiri separatist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, operate openly via front groups throughout the country. But none seem to have any difficulty getting money and weapons.”

Zakaria is in no doubt about who’s to blame.

“From its founding, the Pakistani government has supported and encouraged jihadi groups, creating an atmosphere that has allowed them to flourish,” claims the CNN pundit.

To back up his assertions, Zakaria cites no less an authority that Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States. In Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military, which Zakaria considers a “brilliant history,” Husain Haqqani claims that support for jihad has been “a consistent policy of the state.”

Case closed for the prosecution? Perhaps not.

The Pakistani diplomat’s credibility as an objective critic of jihadism is undermined somewhat by his intimate ties to the Israel-centric neoconservative network. A former fellow at the Likudnik Hudson Institute, Haqqani co-chaired Hudson’s Project on Islam and Democracy. Its director, Hillel Fradkin, was a Project for a New American Century signatory to a 2002 letter to George W. Bush equating Yasser Arafat with Osama Bin Laden in an effort to convince the White House that “Israel’s fight against terrorism is our fight.”

Haqqani also collaborated with another neocon, Stephen Schwartz, on the Institute for Islamic Progress and Peace. A project of the notorious Islamophobe Daniel Pipes, it is widely suspected to be an attempt to “divide and conquer” the American Muslim community. In short, if Tel Aviv had handpicked Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington, they could hardly have found a more suitable candidate than Haqqani.

Also advancing “the Pakistan Connection” to the Times Square plot is Haqqani’s onetime collaborator Stephen Schwartz. Writing in Rupert Murdoch’s staunchly pro-Israel Weekly Standard, Schwartz pushes “the Pakistani Taliban did it” storyline. Faisal Shahzad’s arrest, he writes, “lends credibility to the claim by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the branch of the Afghan terrorist movement operating there, that they planted the unsuccessful car-bomb.”

Like Zakaria, Schwartz holds Pakistani authorities responsible.

“Pakistani reality cannot be evaded,” he writes. “The jihadist domination seen in the Pakistani army and intelligence services (ISI) is visible everywhere South Asian Muslims congregate. It explains the reluctance of the Pakistani government to fulfill its commitment to fighting the Taliban. And it equally accounts for conspiracies like that foiled in Times Square.”

The one evading “Pakistani reality,” however, is Schwartz. If any government is to be held responsible for terrorism carried out by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), it is not in Islamabad but in Tel Aviv or New Delhi.

As Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today, revealed in a recent interview: “We have very little doubt that the Indians and the Israelis, that are all over Afghanistan with German passports pretending to be military contractors, are operating 17 camps along the Taliban regions training and arming terrorists.”

According to Duff, “The Pakistani Taliban is in close cooperation with, supplied, financed, armed and trained by Israel and India to attack Pakistan.”

Duff’s claims are based on a February 2010 fact-finding tour of Pakistan, where he was briefed by the highest levels of the country’s military and intelligence establishment, including Lieutenant General Hamid Gul, former director general of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Admiral Iftikhar Ahmed Sirohey, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and General Mirza Aslam Beg, former Chief of Army Staff.

Fearful of offending their Israel-conscious paymasters in Washington, the Pakistani military and intelligence services have been forced into the humiliating position of leaking their side of the story through the Veterans Today website.

According to the ISI leak, the Times Square terror plot was a “false flag operation to implicate the Pakistani Taliban and then threaten and force Pakistan to ‘do more’ in North Waziristan.” This was followed by “a massive media disinformation war” to induce the belief that “all global terrorism is emerging from the Pakistani tribal pocket of North Waziristan, and that the ISI/army is either hands and gloves with the Taliban or not willing to do more.”

Clearly, Israel and India share a common geostrategic interest in the destabilization of the nuclear-armed Muslim nation. As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated, “Our ties with India don’t have any limitation….”

Israel, however, has proven itself a rather dubious ally—as a growing number of Americans are beginning to realize. Perhaps one day policymakers in New Delhi will have a similar awakening. But for the time being, the media component of its alliance with Tel Aviv affords India a powerful weapon to wage surrogate warfare against Pakistan.

На главных рынках Уфы начнется продажа халяльной мясной продукции

а Центральном рынке Уфы будет организована торговля халяльной мясной продукцией. Поставщиками дозволенного мяса выступят Дюртюлинский мясоперерабатывающий комбинат, Торговый дом «Авдон» и Башкирский птицеводческий комплекс имени Мажита Гафури.

Прежде чем поступить в продажу на главном рынке столицы республики, свежее мясо пройдет обработку и ветеринарную проверку в специально оборудованном мясоперерабатывающем цехе. Там же оно будет разделано на куски и в таре доставлено на прилавок с соответствующим сертификатом уже как полуфабрикат.

По словам руководителя Комитета по стандарту Халяль при ДУМ РБ Тимура Шангареева, такая технология позволит исключить нарушения, которые до сих пор имели место при торговле халяльным мясом, и сможет гарантировать соблюдение канонов ислама во время его продажи.

В скором времени мясные бутики с халяль-продуктами откроются также на Колхозном рынке Уфы, в Шакше и Зинино. Помимо мяса крупного рогатого скота здесь будут продаваться курдючная баранина и мясо птицы, в том числе индюшатина.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Watching Israel Delegitimize the U.S.

by Jeff Gates

The U.S.-Israeli relationship has long been America’s Achilles heel. Our first president warned against “entangled alliances” particularly when, as here, there’s a “passionate attachment.”

Our “special relationship” with this rogue state has placed the U.S. outside the same system of international law that we now seek to impose on others, including Iran.

Our handling of the current crisis on the Korean peninsula could restore our tattered reputation.

What’s the first issue that needs to be addressed?

Here’s where you the reader may well ask: “Do you mean the issue concerning the collapse of Building 7 of the World Trade Center?” No, but nor is that question irrelevant to this latest crisis.

Here’s the second issue that must be addressed: to which nations has Israel transferred nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons technology? Is North Korea on the list?

That issue became relevant with the release of The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa. Archival research by author Sasha Polakowsky-Suransky uncovered “top secret” minutes of a military agreement signed in April 1975 between Shimon Peres, now president of Israel, and South Africa’s defense minister P.W. Botha.

Though Israel denies the conclusions reached by reporters for The Guardian (U.K.), the agreement suggests an offer of nuclear weapons while its Apartheid regime was under international sanctions.

Israel was then building a surrogate arms industry in South Africa using what was, in practical effect, slave labor. That industry has since moved to Israel where it employs “guest workers.” Peres was responsible for building Israel’s nuclear program with help from France in the 1950s.

Some weeks before the offer, Israel and South Africa signed a covert agreement (code name Secment) governing their military alliance. In the subsequent meetings, “correct payload” was used to describe the nuclear warheads Israel would provide for a Jericho missile system. As The Guardian explained:

“The use of a euphemism, the ‘correct payload’, reflects Israeli sensitivity over the nuclear issue and would not have been used had it been referring to conventional weapons… the only payload the South Africans would have needed to obtain from Israel was nuclear. The South Africans were capable of putting together other warheads.”

South Africa did not go ahead with the deal it was offered though it did develop its own nuclear weapons, possibly with Israeli assistance. The Apartheid government revealed the program to Nelson Mandela when he became president.

In 1986, nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu revealed Israel’s nuclear weapons program to the Sunday Times (London). Vanunu was kidnapped by Mossad agents in Rome and returned for trial in Israel. Sentenced to 18 years, he served 11 years in solitary confinement. On May 23rd, he was sentenced to another three months in prison for breaking the terms of his release by having unauthorized meetings with foreigners.

Evil Doers vs. Evil Doing

Even now Israel strives against all odds to maintain “ambiguity” about its nuclear weapons. But how can you offer nuclear weapons you don’t have?

Who provided nuclear technology to North Korea? That backward state, now nuclear-armed, was included in G.W. Bush’s post-911 “Axis of Evil” speech. Care to guess which Israeli-American wrote that speech?

Shortly thereafter the U.S. invaded Iraq to remove an Evil Doer. Only later did we learn that our “flawed” intelligence was “fixed” around a goal long sought by Israel as chronicled in A Clean Break, a strategy document written for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a team of Israeli-Americans led by Richard Perle.

In 2001, Perle became chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Review Board.

The United Nations has long been scheduled to review the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to consider the creation of a Middle East free of nuclear weapons. As the date approached, the world community experienced a well-timed torpedo attack on a South Korean warship, reportedly by a North Korean submarine.

In the midst of these negotiations, mainstream media has been flooding the national consciousness with power-of-association stories about Iran, its nuclear program and even its links to North Korea. Tehran, of course, was the third member in the trio of Bush-era Evil Doers.

News outlets controlled by Israeli-American Rupert Murdoch are particularly active, including Fox News and The Wall Street Journal.

Is it true that Tel Aviv transferred to Pyongyang a German-made submarine? If so, does that qualify as evil doing?

Perhaps here is a good place to pose an out-of-sequence question: What about the collapse of Building 7?

Master Myth Makers

Does Israel routinely transfer war materiél to nations subject to international sanctions?

That would help explain their status as the world’s third largest arms exporter. The U.S. holds first place with Russia second. Israel and France vie for third and fourth trailed by the U.K. and China in the Dirty Half Dozen.

If Israel has an extensive arsenal of nuclear weapons, why does the U.S not insist on inspections?

How does U.S. protection of Israel’s illegal conduct advance U.S. interests?

How is our conduct consistent with the behavior we are now pressing on Iran?

What is so valuable about the U.S.-Israeli relationship that we should sacrifice our credibility to cover-up violations of international law that make us appear guilty by association?

By law isn’t the U.S. obliged to support U.N. sanctions for Israel?

Why discredit the U.S. and undermine the stature of the United Nations? Wasn’t the U.N. the post-WWII organization founded in large part by the U.S. to discourage just such behavior?

Serial Provocations and Murderous Misdirection

Instead of sanctions, what do we see instead? Misdirection and intimidation.

The Internet is awash with Men in Black accounts featuring the usual array of conspiracies. Elvis may yet be blamed for a Korean peninsula incident that could ignite a nuclear war in the region.

How long before we see a story blaming Hezbollah terrorists led by the Pakistan Taliban aboard an Iranian submarine advised by Syrian nuclear scientists and Palestinian strategists?

Or aliens.

The stage has been set for another 911, possibly featuring a nuclear incident. A series of “plausible” Evil Doers have been prominently featured in assorted “terrorist incidents.”

Enough pre-staging has been done that Americans again feel insecure following the media coverage given the Ft. Hood shooting, the Christmas Day Bomber and now the Times Square Terrorist.

One small problem: none of these storylines hold up under close scrutiny. But then that’s not the point. Neither did the “intelligence” on which we relied to wage war in Iraq in response to the provocation of 911. It didn’t need to be true, just believable.

Time to Redo the Report

Anyone of substance associated with the report of the 911 Commission knows we still need a good faith investigation. Mainstream Europeans routinely call for it. Those demands are routinely couched in code due to the perils facing those in the EU who question our “special relationship.”

Instead, commentators ask about the “collapse” of Building 7. Good question. Also a fair question. The answer could lead somewhere useful. Therefore, don’t ask, don’t tell.

This entangled alliance has been an exercise in deceit since a Christian-Zionist president, a Democrat, was induced to extend recognition to an enclave of extremists.

Harry Truman dismissed the concerns of the Joint Chiefs who warned him about their “fanatical concepts” and their plans for “military and economic hegemony over the entire Middle East.”

We were deceived by our own better nature to embrace a relationship that has long been at odds with our national interest. The durability of the relationship has long failed to pass muster as either rational or consistent with our values. The relationship has changed for the worse who we are as a nation.

Yet somehow the relationship endures. Along with the perceived legitimacy of this “state.”

Deception and Self-Deceit

Its persistence can be traced to the strength of a lobby that, to date, has escaped registration as a foreign agent. Those known for their skill at waging war “by way of deception” have routinely betrayed the nation that first befriended and most reliably defended them.

Even when a Christian-Zionist president, a Republican, led us to war on fixed intelligence, we were unable to identity the common source of our troubles. Some blamed G.W Bush. Others now blame Barack Obama. Both critiques miss the point. This treachery is now systemic and thoroughly imbedded in both political parties.

Even now, an undisclosed media bias blocks Americans from the facts they require to make an informed choice about this relationship. And about the legitimacy of a transnational operation that murders with impunity (as in Dubai) and provokes with pleasure—anywhere they please.

Americans are now emerging from many quarters to resist the influence wielded on (and from within) our government by special interests. This special relationship often tops the list.

Many supporters of Israel have been deceived to believe that this relationship is in their best interest. The facts confirm otherwise. Like the nation itself, they too were “the mark” in this long-running fraud.

We have been seduced by those masterful at deceit to freely embrace the very forces that delegitimized us as a nation and collapsed our economy from within.

Which brings me back to the question: what about Building 7?

Центральное духовное управление открыло собственный сайт

Официальный сайт Центрального духовного управления мусульман России появился в сети интернет. Сайт представляет информацию об истории и современной деятельности организации, знакомит с биографией председателя – Талгата Таджуддина.

Сайт знакомит с муфтиями ЦДУМ с момента учреждения в 1789 году и по сегодняшний день, содержит информацию о региональных муфтиях в структуре ЦДУМ. При оформлении сайта использованы традиционные татарские орнаменты.

Отметим, что это не первый сайт ЦДУМ России во всемирной паутине. Несколько лет назад сайт ЦДУМ располагался на другом домене, который перешел в ведение ДУМ Пермского края после того как его муфтий М.Хузин покинул структуру ЦДУМ.

Соглашение по обмену урана с Ираном имеет большое значение - Эрдоган

Премьер-министр Турции Реджеп Таййип Эрдоган отмечает важность достигнутого по инициативе президента Бразилии Лулы да Сильвы с Ираном соглашения об обмене иранского урана.

«Соглашение по обмену урана имеет большое значение. В настоящее время данное соглашение занимает важное место в повестке дня мировой общественности», - заявил он в ходе визита в Бразилию, сообщает TRT Russian.

Министры иностранных дел Турции, Бразилии и Ирана подписали на прошлой неделе в Тегеране декларацию о готовности иранской стороны производить на территории Турции обмен 1,2 тонны низкообогащенного урана на 120 кг высокообогащенного урана для тегеранского исследовательского реактора.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Моджахеды захватили спецсредства ФСБ. Объединенный вилайят КБК. 2010 год

Nasrallah: We will Attack Ships Approaching Israel in Future War

Hezbollah chief tells supporters the militant group has the capability to inflict as much harm on Israel as it did in Lebanon during the 2006 war

The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group warned Tuesday his fighters will attack Israeli ships if Israel imposed a sea blockade on Lebanon in any future war.

Hassan Nasrallah said his Iranian-backed group was capable of destroying any military or commercial ships heading to Israeli ports

Israel imposed a sea and air embargo on Lebanon during its month-long war against Hezbollah in 2006, saying it needed to prevent the guerrillas from being resupplied with weapons.

“If you [Israel] put our coasts under siege in any future war, I say all military, civilian and commercial ships heading to Palestine’s coasts on the Mediterranean will be under the fire of the Islamic resistance fighters,” Nasrallah said.

Earlier this year Nasrallah threatened to hit Israel’s Ben Gurion airport if the Jewish state struck Beirut’s international airport in any future conflict.

“[As for] those ships which will go to any port on the Palestinian coast from north to the south, [I say] we are capable of hitting it and are determined to go into this..if
they besiege our coasts,” he said.

“When the world will witness how these ships will be destroyed in Palestine’s regional water nobody will dare to go there just as they will block (others) from coming to our coasts,” he told thousands of supporters.

Nasrallah’s comments come amid a five-day drill in Israel- dubbed “Turning Point 4″- which was launched on Sunday to test the Jewish state’s preparedness against possible missile strikes from the Gaza Strip and by Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Nasrallah said Tuesday that Hezbollah now had the capability to inflict as much harm on Israel as it did in Lebanon during the 2006 war.

On Monday, U.S. President Barak Obama used talks with Lebanese Prime Minister Said Hariri in Washington to warn of the growing danger of arms smuggling to Hezbollah militants.

“The President stressed [...] the threat posed by the transfer of weapons into Lebanon in violation of UNSCR 1701,” the White House said in a statement following the meeting.

United Nations Security Council resolution 1701 was passed after a month-long war between Israel and Hezbollah in the summer of 2006 and calls for the disarmament of the Shi’a Muslim group – but despite the presence of a UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon, it has yet to be enforced.

Hariri’s first official visit to the United States took place against a backdrop of tensions in the Middle East, U.S. efforts to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and growing momentum toward new international sanctions on Iran, Hezbollah’s major backer.

Lebanon and Syria have said they fear a possible attack by Israel after President Shimon Peres accused Syria in April of supplying Hezbollah with long-range Scud missiles capable of hitting major Israeli cities. Damascus has denied the charge and accused Israel of fomenting war.

Some U.S. officials have expressed doubt that any Scuds were actually handed over in full to Hezbollah, although they believe Syria might have transferred weapons parts.

“We obviously have grave concerns about the transfer of any missile capability to Hezbollah through Lebanon from Syria,” a senior Obama administration official said on Friday, saying the issue would likely be raised in Monday’s talks.

Hariri has also denied Israel’s accusations, while his government has said it backs the right of the guerrilla group to keep its weapons to deter Israeli attacks. Israel has not signaled any imminent plans to strike.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Israel’s Most Illicit Affair

A new book reveals that Israel’s secret relationship with apartheid South Africa went far deeper than previously understood.


History is a great teacher, but sometimes it packs a nasty sense of irony. A case in point: South African Prime Minister John Vorster’s visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem in April 1976, where he laid a wreath to the victims of the German Reich he once extolled.

It’s bad enough that a former Nazi sympathizer was treated like an honored guest by the Jewish state. Even worse was the purpose behind Vorster’s trip to Israel: to cement the extensive military relationship between Israel and the apartheid regime, a partnership that violated international law and illicitly provided the white-minority government with the weaponry and technology to help sustain its grip on power and its oppression of the black majority over two decades.

Like many illicit love affairs, the back-door relationship between Israel and the apartheid regime was secret, duplicitous, thrilling for the parties involved — and ultimately damaging to both. Each insisted at the time that theirs was just a minor flirtation, with few regrets or expressions of remorse. Inevitably it ended badly, tainting everyone it touched, including leaders of American Jewish organizations who shredded their credibility by endorsing and parroting the blatant falsehoods they were fed by Israeli officials. And it still hovers like a toxic cloud over Israel’s international reputation, providing ammunition to those who use the comparison between Israel’s 43-year military rule over Palestinians and the now-defunct system of white domination known as apartheid to seek to delegitimize the Jewish state.

As bureau chief for the Washington Post in Southern Africa and Jerusalem in the 1980s, I squandered a lot of hours trying to pierce the iron curtain that the two countries carefully drew around their strategic partnership. I reported the various estimates that the arms trade between the two amounted to anywhere from $125 million to $400 million annually — far beyond the $100 million that the International Monetary Fund reported as total imports and exports in the mid 1980s. Soon after arriving in Jerusalem in 1986, I asked Ezer Weizman, a former Israeli defense minister and champion of the secret partnership, about the uncanny resemblance between Israel’s Kfir fighter jet — itself patterned on the French Mirage — and South Africa’s newly minted Cheetah. He just smiled at me and replied, “I’ve noticed that as well.”

Now comes Sasha Polakow-Suransky, who is an editor at Foreign Affairs magazine, a Rhodes scholar, and an American Jew whose parents emigrated to the United States from South Africa. His singular achievement in his new book, The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa scheduled for publication on May 25, is to have unearthed more than 7,000 pages of heretofore secret documents from the bowels of South Africa’s Defense Ministry, Foreign Ministry, and Armscor, the state defense contractor, including the secret 1975 military cooperation agreement signed by defense ministers Shimon Peres and P.W. Botha.


В пятницу утром, 21 мая, оккупационные силы террористической сионистской организации ЦАХАЛ у границы с сектором Газы убили двоих мирных палестинцев, пытавшихся пройдти на работу из блокированного сектора Газа в оккупированную территорию "Израиль".

Как всегда это принято в таких случаях, оккупационная военная администрация сионистов сообщила, что, якобы, двое убитых палестинцев, "вероятнее всего, планировали и готовили теракты" на территории т. н. "Израиля".

Также, что в пятницу на рассвете ВВС террористической организации ЦАХАЛ нанесли серию бомбовых ударов по блокированному сионистами сектору Газа.

Бомбардировке были подвергнуты территории как в южной, так и в северной части палестинского анклава, где живут мирные жители.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Biggest Threat to Peace in Middle East

By Dr. Elias Akleh

A build up of heightened tension in the Middle East is escalating in the last few weeks. American and Israeli postures towards Lebanon, Syria, and Iran have become more threatening. Listening to speeches of political leaders one hears talks only about war not peace. Iranians and Israelis are continuously training hard for a possible showdown. Both sides are conducting extensive war games every month. This led Syrians to claim that Israel is preparing for a soon-to-come another war. The Jordanians also are warning that current stalemate of the peace process is an indication of a war breaking this summer. The Russian President and his army chief hinted, few months ago, that the US and Israel were planning for an attack on Iran.

Indeed Iran is, as it has been for last few years, the target of most of the threats and accusation of supporting terrorism. Escalating incitement against Iran the American Defense Department sent Last month (April) to Congress a report on Iran's military claiming Iran could develop intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the US by 2015.

Ignoring the fact that N. Korea, India, Pakistan, and Israel are proven to have nuclear weapons while Iran does not, the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton chose in her speech, to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference at the UN, to focus on Iran's alleged nuclear ambitions putting the whole world at risk as she put it. According to Clinton Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons, rather than Israel's more than 200 nuclear bombs, is destabilizing the Middle East. She called on world's nations to rally around US efforts to hold Iran, not other nuclear countries, to account.

Accusation that Usama Bin Laden is living comfortably in Iran had received a boost after the broadcast of a documentary called "Feathered Cocaine". This echoed the June 2003 claims of the Italian newspaper Corre de la Sierra that Bin Laden was in Iran according to some intelligence report, and according to Richard Miniter's book "Shadow War". This accusation was countered by Ahmadinejad in ABC News interview with George Stephanopoulos stating that, since Bin Laden was a previous partner of Mr. Bush, he is living comfortably in Washington DC not in Tehran. It was also widely reported that one of Bin Laden's wives was living in Tehran with six of his children and eleven grandchildren.

A recent Associated Press exclusive, May 13th, written by Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo, reported that according to CIA monitoring program RIGOR Saad, the son of Usama Bin laden and many Al-Qaeda leaders and operative had taken refuge into Iran after 911. This exclusive disqualifies itself stating that "But generally, the U.S. has only limited information about them.", and "Details are murky".

The American military capitalized on such rumors when the commander of US forces in the Middle East, general Petraeus, told Congress that Tehran is working with Al-Qaeda facilitating links between its senior leaders and affiliate groups.

Syria, in turn, was not spared from American and Israeli warnings and threats. Syria was accused of violating 2006 UN Resolution 1701 prohibiting the transfer of weapons to Lebanese Hezbollah. Just before the US Congress approves sending Robert Stephen Ford as American ambassador to Syria as a sign of improving relationships, the Israeli President, Shimon Peres, accused Syria of smuggling Scud missiles to Hezbollah. Peres' accusation prompted the Congress to suspend sending Ford to Damascus.

Major General Alberto Asarta Cuevas of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon was quoted by Lebanese daily An-Nahar as saying: "We have no evidence of any Scud missiles in UNIFIL's area of operations." The US, also, could not confirm any Scud missiles shipped to Lebanon. Scud missiles are large and are difficult to hide.

Although not mentioning Scud missiles in specific Israeli officials such as the head of the Israeli military intelligence research department, Brigadier General Yossi Baidatz, claimed that: "Weapons are transferred to Hezbollah on a regular basis and this transfer is organized by the Syrian and Iranian regimes." Syria was accused of transferring sophisticated weapons, such as M600 rockets, to Hezbollah. Israel's Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, accused Syria of importing weapons of mass destruction from North Korea to ship them to Hezbollah and Hamas.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak directly warned both Syria and Lebanon: "We make it clear once again that we see the government of Lebanon, and behind it the government of Syria, responsible for what happens now in Lebanon, And the government of Lebanon will be the one to be held accountable if it deteriorates."

The Americans parroted the Israeli claims. Hillary Clinton warned Syria of grave consequences of delivering weapons to Hezbollah and Hamas warning that such an act "could mean war or peace for the region … Hezbollah's acquisition of new weapons, especially long-range missiles, would threaten Israel's security and destabilize the region."

Robert Gates, the American Defense Secretary, had also accused both Iran and Syria of arming Hezbollah with sophisticated weaponry. Finally, citing what the White House alleged Syria's "extraordinary threat" to US security and foreign policy, Barack Obama decided to renew economic sanctions against Syria for another year. Obama said that Syria's "continuing support of terrorist organizations and pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and missile programs, continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the US".

Israel's fear was heightened by the visit of Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, to Syria, the first visit to Damascus by Russian ruler since 1917, to sign an arm trade agreement by which Russia would supply Syria with Mig-29 fighters, truck-mounted Pantzir short range surface to air missiles, and anti-aircraft artillery system. Building a Syrian nuclear power plant with Russian help was also discussed by the two leaders.

Turkey's improved relationships with Iran, Syria, and Lebanon, and its sympathy towards Palestinians worry the US and Israel the most. Since Davos incident in January 2009 between Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Israel's president Shimon Peres, Turkey seems to adopt the Palestinian cause. Turkey had sent humanitarian aid to besieged Gaza within "Viva Palestina" and "Break the Siege" campaigns, and is also sending three humanitarian ships to Gaza within the "Freedom Flotilla" campaign.

Turkey and Syria had dramatically improved their political, economic, socio-cultural, and military relationships. The two countries conducted, last April 2009, a three-day military exercise along their borders and signed a technical military cooperation agreement to strengthen collaboration between their defense industries.

Turkey had improved relationship with Iran, where trade between the two countries is expected to increase to $30 billion. Turkey had opposed economical sanctions against Iran, had repeatedly played down the alleged threat of Iran's nuclear program, and defended Iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy. This month, May 2010, Turkey and Brazil convinced Iran to accept nuclear fuel swap on Turkish soil.

Turkey seems determined to protect its good relationships with Syria and Iran to a point of deploying anti-aircraft batteries along the Syrian border in the Iskenderun district to repel any US or Israeli aerial attack against Iran or Syria, according to Turkish daily Hurriyet. In a phone call with Al-Manar TV, Mustafa Ozcan, a Turkish political analyst, confirmed this fact.

A Middle Eastern geopolitical alliance between Turkey, Iran, and Syria and Lebanon seems to take shape. This alliance seems to provide a counterbalance for Israel's military superiority in the region, and a deterrent to any further Israeli terrorist attack against Gaza, Lebanon, or Syria. Israelis are afraid that they may not be able to win a war as convincingly and with impunity as they used to do, especially after their failures in 2006 Lebanese war and 2008 Gaza onslaught.

Israel's whining about Iran's and Syria's weapons is meant to portray the Israelis as the poor victims, and to justify any Israeli aggression against its neighbors. It is meant also to draw in the US for its rescue, as usual. Israel wants a joint American/Israel attack against Iran/Syria/Hezbollah axis before their alliance become any stronger. American involvement is the wild card, as it always has been, that will maintain Israel's superiority in the region.

While supplying Israel with weapons allegedly for self defense the US denies this right to Palestinians, Lebanese, and Syrians. Coming to Israel's rescue, again, the US described Iran as the greatest threat to America, to its allies, to the Middle East, and to world peace by claiming that Iran is the region's greatest proliferator of weapons and supporter to terrorist groups.

Obama cited the possibility of nuclear Iran supplying nuclear material to some terrorist groups to be used against the US and its allies. The documented facts proved that the US is the only nuclear country that had secretly supplied nuclear material to terrorist Israel to build its nuclear bombs.

In his article "America's Loose Nukes in Israel", Grant Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, explains how large quantities of America's highly enriched uranium and plutonium was smuggles to Israel via the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC), part of Apollo Steel Company plant in Pennsylvania. A 1965 audit by Atomic Energy Commission discovered the shortage of 220 pounds of enriched uranium, and in September 1968 587 more pounds of enriched uranium went missing immediately after the visit of 4 Israelis, including Mossad agent Rafi Eitan. Also refer to the 1978 declassified report "Nuclear Diversion in the U.S.? 13 Years of Contradiction and Confusion" regarding the investigation between 1957 and 1967 of the loss of highly enriched uranium in NUMEC.

Whistleblower former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds testified that Richard Perle, Doughlas Feith, and Marc Grossman, high ranking officials in G.W. Bush administration, were passing sensitive data and nuclear technology to Israel's military industrial complex.

Based on 30 declassified government documents from the National Security Archive in April 2006 Avner Cohen and William Burr published the article "Israel Crosses the Threshold" in the May-June 2006 issue of the "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists" indicating that the Nixon's administration decided to accept and to live with Israel's ambiguity of its nuclear weapons program, knowing very well that Israel had already built nuclear bombs.

At the Global Summit on Nuclear Security, last April, the US tried to rally nations against Iran's nuclear program, and supported the call for Middle East nuclear-free zone. Yet the US supported Israel's claim that it would consider signing the NPT and supporting such a nuclear-free zone only if there is a comprehensive Middle East peace.

The US, with 5,113 self-declared nuclear bombs and free of any IAEA monitoring process, is trying to use the NPT to monopolize nuclear technology and deny it to other countries. After signing the START Treaty on April 8th President Obama called for $80 billion in nuclear funding to modernize the US nuclear weapons complex to meet the need to "rebuild and sustain America's aging nuclear stockpile". This means making the bombs smarter, smaller in size, and more powerful. This $80 billion came on top of more than the additional $100 billion for nuclear deliver systems like submarines. The US has no intention of reducing its nukes, but to improve them.

War clouds are looming over the Middle Easter. Israeli military officials keep threatening to attack Iran claiming they can use military force to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Israel is primed to attack Iran boosted Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon. Iran is taking these threats seriously and is preparing for war through war games; two of them this month. Iran's strongest warning to Israel came Wednesday May 19 from Iranian Chief of Staff, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, stating that if Israel attacked Iran it would be destroyed within a week. Sunday May 23 Israel is conducting its most intensive and comprehensive war games called "Turning Point-4" lasting five days and including 68 cities and towns. Could this be preparation for another war this summer?

During its short 62 years history Israel had fought 8 wars against its Arab neighbors. It had developed nuclear weapons and did not sign the NPT. It had used chemical and nuclear (DU) weapons against civilians. It violated many UN resolutions. It committed war crimes and many massacres against civilians. It had refused all Arab peaceful gestures and keeps threatening to attack its neighbors. It occupation and destruction of religious sites, especially Islamic, might provoke religious war in the region. Israel is the biggest threat to peace in the Middle East.

ООН не признает незаконные "парламентские выборы", проведенные в Нагорном Карабахе – представитель генсека

Организация Объединенных Наций (ООН) заявила о непризнании незаконных "парламентских выборов", проведенных в Нагорном Карабахе.

"ООН никогда не признает незаконные "парламентские выборы", проводимые в Нагорном Карабахе", - сказал в понедельник журналистам находящийся в Баку представитель генерального секретаря ООН по правам вынужденных переселенцев Вальтер Келин, сообщает Trend.

23 мая сепаратистский режим провел в Нагорном Карабахе незаконные "парламентские выборы". Многие международные организации, в том числе Совет Европы, заявили о непризнании этих выборов.

Конфликт между двумя южно-кавказскими странами возник в 1988 году из-за территориальных претензий Армении к Азербайджану. Нагорный Карабах и семь прилегающих к нему районов - 20 процентов территории Азербайджана - находятся под оккупацией вооруженных сил Армении. В мае 1994 года стороны достигли режима прекращения огня, и до сих пор под эгидой Минской группы ОБСЕ и при сопредседательстве России, Франции и США ведутся пока еще безуспешные мирные переговоры.

Принятые Советом безопасности ООН четыре резолюции по освобождению Нагорно-Карабахского региона и других оккупированных территорий до сих пор не выполняются Арменией.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

As Obama Retreats, Palestinians Renew Their Struggle

By Rachelle Marshall

AMERICAN Middle East policy has been weighted in favor of Israel ever since President Harry Truman rejected the advice of Secretary of State George C. Marshall and pushed through a resolution at the U.N. General Assembly giving most of Palestine to the Jews, who were then a minority of the population. As the new state of Israel proceeded to expel the original inhabitants and seize more of their land, Washington turned a blind eye—and footed the bill.

At a Feb. 19 protest marking the fifth anniversary of weekly demonstrations against Israel’s separation barrier in the West Bank village of Bil’in, Palestinian and foreign peace activists tear down a section of the barrier. Some 2,000 people attended the demonstration, including Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and Geneva Mayor Remy Pagani. (AFP photo/Abbas Momani)
This lopsided relationship has continued under almost every president, kept in place by a powerful Israel lobby and an unrelenting disinformation campaign. The one exception was President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who in 1956 ordered Israel, France and England to turn back from their attempted invasion of the Sinai. Israel’s current prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has stretched the relationship to the point of mockery, not only thwarting every effort by President Barack Obama to broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace but doing so with almost gleeful defiance.

Obama’s response has been a full retreat to the failed policy of urging the two sides to resume negotiations, which means letting the Palestinians go it alone while Israel takes more and more of their land. Instead of supporting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in his demand that Israel stop all settlement construction before he will take part in peace talks, Obama sent his special Middle East envoy George J. Mitchell to urge Abbas back to the negotiating table.

In the tradition of his predecessors, Netanyahu made sure the mission would fail. While Mitchell was in Ramallah in late January trying to persuade Palestinian leaders to resume peace talks, Netanyahu announced that the huge settlement blocs of Ma’ale Adumim and Ariel that extend deep into the West Bank would belong permanently to Israel. Two days later the prime minister spoke at a tree-planting ceremony in the Ezion settlement bloc south of Jerusalem and declared, “This place will be an inseparable part of the State of Israel. We are planting here, we will stay here, we will build here.” Ezion was part of the West Bank until 1967, when Israel illegally annexed Jerusalem and extended its boundaries to include the town.

Mitchell was still in Israel when Netanyahu stipulated that any future Palestinian state must be demilitarized, with Israel continuing to control its borders and air space as well as the Jordan Valley. In a recent article in the Nation, Henry Siegman recalled that shortly after 1967, while he was head of the American Jewish Congress, Israeli officials showed him maps of the captured West Bank on which future settlements were strategically placed to assure Israel’s permanent hold on the territory. Those settlements are now a reality, Siegman writes, and Netanyahu’s conditions for Palestinian statehood would leave Israel’s occupation in place. Under these circumstances Abbas had no option but to refuse to resume negotiations.

Following Mitchell’s humiliating trip, the Obama administration not only threw in the towel but laid half the blame on the Palestinians. Obama told a reporter for the Los Angeles Times that he had doubts whether Israeli and Palestinian leaders were “prepared to make the kind of compromises needed to engage in a meaningful conversation.” He did not say what compromises the Palestinians should make. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton added that efforts to revive peace talks would continue but stressed that “the next step will be up to Israelis and Palestinians.” In other words, let the occupied bargain with the occupiers.

In a speech to the U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Qatar in mid-February, Clinton called on the Arab nations to give up “stereotypes and outdated views” and take more responsibility for restarting peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis. She could have been reminded that the Arab peace proposal of 2002, which was based on U.N. Security Council Resolution 242 and endorsed by every Arab nation, was ignored by Israel and the U.S. At a meeting afterwards with Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the emir asked that the U.S. do more to help the people of Gaza. Clinton’s reply was that Qatar should reopen Israel’s trade office in Doha, which the emirate had closed during Israel’s assault on Gaza last winter.

Faced with a U.S. administration unwilling to help, the Palestinians are revitalizing their struggle. Hamas and Fatah resumed talks in Gaza in early February aimed at ending their differences and possibly reuniting. Meanwhile West Bank Palestinians are conducting a different kind of intifada, using nonviolent resistance. The weekly vigils against the separation wall that began in the villages of Bil’in and Nil’in five years ago continue to grow and attract participants from all over the world. Similar protests recently began in Nabi Saleh, a village near Ramallah where settlers took over a natural spring on village land. When villagers tried to reclaim their spring Israeli soldiers met them with tear gas and stun grenades.

The demonstrations have some distinguished supporters. Dr. Mustafa Bargouthi, a leader of the nonviolent movement, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Mairead Maguire, a 1976 Nobel laureate who was shot in the leg with a rubber bullet in 2007 while attending a vigil at the wall in Bil’in. Former Peace Prize winners Bishop Desmond Tutu and President Jimmy Carter have visited Bil’in and praised the protesters as following in the footsteps of Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Jr. The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee that organizes the demonstrations is even receiving aid from the Spanish government.

Palestinians won a partial victory when the Israeli Supreme Court ordered the army to reroute the wall so as to return some 170 acres of land to the village, but the barrier and nearby settlements still occupy 400 acres of village land and the protests are continuing.Those who take part pay a high price. Israeli human rights groups B’Tselem and Yesh Din report that police are firing rubber bullets, 22-caliber bullets, and tear gas canisters into the crowds at close range.

At least 19 Palestinians, including several children, have been killed during the protests and many more have been injured, including Tristan Anderson, an American who was severely brain damaged when he was struck by a high-velocity canister. As usual, an army investigation exonerated the soldier who did it. Instead it was Palestinians who were punished. Aqel Srur, who testified against the soldier, was killed by a 22-caliber bullet last June. Another witness, Salah Muhammed Khawajeh, was warned that the same thing could happen to him, and in January his 9-year old son was shot in the back by a rubber bullet.

The Israelis clearly regard the nonviolent protest as more dangerous than rockets and suicide bombings, which create sympathy for Israel and provide an excuse for retaliation. Israeli forces are conducting nightly raids on the homes of organizers of and participants in nonviolent actions, and making a mounting number of arrests. In the first 10 days of February, the army arrested 51 Palestinians, including Montaha Taweel, wife of the mayor of Al-Bireh and an activist on behalf of Palestinian prisoners.

Mohanad Abu Awad, the 20-year old son of the manager of Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Parents for Peace and a peace activist himself, was brutally arrested on Jan. 23 when Israeli soldiers surrounded his family’s house at 3 a.m and threatened to blow it up if the inhabitants, including several sleeping children, didn’t leave at once. After the family left, the soldiers ransacked the house, forced Mohanad to drop his pants, and took him away shackled and blindfolded. They gave no reason for the search or the arrest.

More and more Israeli Jews also are being jailed for joining in nonviolent Palestinian actions. At a Jan. 15 demonstration against the eviction of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem, 17 Israelis were arrested, including the head of the Association for Civil Rights, Hagain Elad. Unlike Palestinian demonstrators who are held for weeks and even months, they were released 36 hours later, but a Jerusalem court nevertheless declared their demonstration to be illegal.

Elad said the arrests represented “a dramatic increase in attempts to silence dissent” on Israel’s part, a statement borne out by the well-financed campaign to smear the New Israel Fund by accusing it of providing damaging information to the Goldstone Commission report on Gaza. Prof. Naomi Chazan, president of the moderate human rights organization and a former Knesset member, recently was fired as a columnist for the Jerusalem Post. Jared Maslin, the Jewish American editor of a Palestinian news agency in Bethlehem, was expelled from Israel on Jan. 20 because of his “anti-Israel views. “

Israel’s crushing blockade of Gaza and continued settlement construction in East Jerusalem have not only tarnished its image throughout the world but delayed its acceptance into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, an association of market-oriented democracies that promotes free trade. Membership in the OECD is prestigious as well as profitable, and Israel has long sought entry.
A Tarnished Image

Israel’s image was further tarred when the Israeli military investigated the shelling of a U.N. compound where 700 civilians had taken shelter during the Gaza war, and accused the two senior officers who were responsible only of “exceeding their authority.” The officers were let off with a reprimand. The report did not mention that the army fired at least seven white phosphorus shells at the compound, weapons that caused terrible burns to the victims, or that during the three-hour attack U.N. officials had repeatedly begged the army to stop.

Osama bin Laden is a mastermind of terrorism, but he was expressing a fact on Jan. 24 when he said, “America will not dream of security unless we have it in reality in Palestine.” The truth of that statement was reflected in Obama’s 2011 $3.8 trillion budget, which calls for a 15 percent increase in homeland and nuclear security and a record $708 billion for the Pentagon. Combatting the threat of terrorism does not come cheap, and what Washington deliberately ignores is that much of the extremism that poses a danger to the U.S. is fueled by its complicity in Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians. The U.S. therefore has a strategic interest in securing justice and full political and human rights for the Palestinians.

Israeli economist and peace activist Gershon Baskin believes the possibility of doing so is within reach. In the recent issue of Tikkun he writes that the basics of a Palestinian-Israeli peace are already known and would be accepted by a majority of Israelis and Palestinians if there were international guarantees to assure each side’s compliance. He stresses that “The old formula stating that ‘the parties have to want it more than we do’ is no longer true. The parties no longer have the right to veto peace and allow the conflict to endanger the security of the region and the whole world.”

Baskin calls for action by the quartet composed of the U.S., the U.N., Russia and the European Union that backed Bush’s “roadmap to peace.“ But that group has been passive and will remain so unless Obama leads the way by insisting that Israel abide by international law and either withdraw entirely from the occupied territories or grant equal rights to the Palestinians. Simply calling for negotiations is to abdicate responsibility. Israel will listen only when the U.S. threatens to cut off all aid to Israel and support stiff international sanctions.

Taking such action might assure that Obama is a one-term president, but if it results in progress toward a lasting peace agreement the risk will surely be worth it—to the U.S. and Israel as well as the rest of the region. The Israelis will never be secure as long as their security depends on the repression of another people. The U.S., with an ailing economy, can’t afford to spend its resources maintaining a garrison state while bridges and roads deteriorate and schools are starved of funds. The only way to reduce the hostility that both countries face is to end the injustices that foster it.
Ending U.S. Intervention

Reducing anti-U.S. hostility also requires an end to U.S. military intervention in Muslim countries. In Iraq, the elections scheduled for March 7 that were to be a milestone on the road to democracy and lead to a U.S. withdrawal, have instead intensified sectarian conflict and raised the question of whether a fair election can even be held.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his ruling Shi’i coalition set off a storm of controversy in January with their attempt to weaken two rival secular coalitions by using fear of a return of Saddam Hussain’s Ba’ath party as an excuse to disqualify hundreds of opposition candidates, including Iraq’s current defense minister and the mayor of Mosul, a Sunni who had worked closely with the U.S. military. Several opposition candidates have been arrested, one of them for criticizing Maliki’s security forces.

On Feb. 3 an Iraqi appeals court reversed the disqualifications, then quickly backtracked under pressure from political leaders and disqualified all but 26 candidates. Ten days later the election commission announced that 515 candidates would remain off the ballot, including the top candidates of the coalition opposing al-Maliki. “It has become clear to Iraqis that this political campaign is a fake,” said Saleh al-Mutlaq, one of the barred candidates.

It is no coincidence that Ali Faisal al-Lami, head of the Accountability and Justice Commission that disqualified the candidates, is one of Maliki’s closest allies. He is also a candidate for parliament on a slate led by Ahmad Chalabi, the slippery Bush administration protégé who was paid handsomely to lie about Saddam’s nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. One of the first acts of another Bush protégé, L. Paul Bremer, as the first U.S. administrator of the occupation, was to outlaw the Ba’ath party and establish the disqualification commission. Mahmoud Ahmed, a member of one of the opposition parties commented wryly, “This is the democracy the Americans brought.”

In Afghanistan, U.S., NATO and Afghan forces launched a new offensive in early February aimed at driving the Taliban out of a city in Helmand province. As usual, they faced the risk that too many civilians would be killed or made homeless while the Taliban faded away to fight again. Meanwhile the administration has continued talking about negotiating with the Taliban, but insists that the Taliban lay down its arms before talks can take place. The Taliban says it will not negotiate while foreign troops occupy the country.

Hope of ending the impasse may lie with the Pakistanis, who are offering to play a central role in peace talks and who have close ties with Taliban leaders such as Jalaluddin and Siraj Haqqani, who control much of southern Afghanistan. President Hamid Karzai is also eager to bring the war to an end, although his lack of credibility within his own government makes him virtually powerless to act. According to Daniel Markey of the Council on Foreign Relations, “The United States is pretty worried about seeing a deal emerge that suits everyone but us.”

If so, those worries should be overcome. Obama must either find a way to withdraw our troops safely and soon, or, like Israel, be prepared to fight a perpetual war against ever increasing enemies.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Марселе состоялась церемония закладки первого камня в строительство гигантской мечети (Grand Mosque), сообщает AFP. Она будет расположена в этнически смешанном районе города Сен Луи.

Одновременно богослужения смогут посещать до 7000 человек, высота минарета составит 25 метров. Также в комплекс будут включены помещения для школы по изучению Корана, библиотеки, ресторана и чайной комнаты. Срок сдачи проекта - 2012 год. Из мечети не будет звучать традиционного призыва к молитве, там установят мощные лампы синего цвета, которые будут мигать к началу намаза.

Мусульманские лидеры Франции добивались разрешения на строительство на протяжении 60 лет. Переломным стал 2001 год, когда мэр города Жан-Клод Годен выделил на реализацию проекта 27 миллионов долларов. По его словам, поддержка строительства мечетей будет "способствовать укреплению в стране умеренного ислама". Проект получил окончательное одобрение в ноябре прошлого года. Президент ассоциации по строительству Grand Mosque Нурредин Шейх заявил: "Это признание. Что-то подсказывает мне, что мы обрели такой же статус, как католики и представители других конфессий в этой стране".

В Марселе проживают около 250 тысяч мусульман. Сейчас им приходится устраивать временные молитвенные дома в подвалах, для этих целей они арендуют складские помещения и гаражи. По всей Франции насчитывается более шести миллионов мусульман.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Жидовский фэйсбук

Жидофашисты фэйсбука деактивировали аккаунты нескольких членов Всемирного Антисионистского Конгресса. Мы просим всех оставшихся членов WAC продолжать распространять информацию о сионистском зле.


Facebook Zionists removed accounts of several WAC members. We urge all remaining WAC members to continue spreading the truth about Zionism and its evils.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Rebranding Israel as a state headed for fascism.

No one knows fascism better than Israelis.

By Bradley Burston

SHEIKH JARRAH, East Jerusalem – No one knows fascism better than Israelis. They are schooled, drilled in the history, the mechanics, the horrendous potential of fascist regimes. Israelis know fascism when they see it. In others.

They might well have expected when fascism began taking root here, it would arise at a time of a national leadership of galvanizing charisma and sweeping, powerfully orchestrated modes of action.

But that would have been much too obvious to deny. And it would take denial, inertia, selective memory, a sense that things – bad as they are – can go on like this indefinitely, for fascism to be able gain its foothold in a country founded in its very blood trail.

In fact, it has taken the most dysfunctional, the most rudderless government Israel has ever known, to make moderates uncomfortably aware of the countless but largely cosmetized ways in which the right in Israel and its supporters abroad have come to plant and nurture the seeds of fascism.

Wrote Boaz Okun, the mass-circulation Yedioth Ahronot’s legal affairs commentator and a retired Israeli judge, of Israel’s ban on Noam Chomsky: “The decision to shut up Professor Chomsky is a decision to shut down freedom in the state of Israel.

“I’m not speaking of the stupidity of supplying ammunition to those who claim that Israel is fascist,” Okun wrote, “rather, of our fear that we may actually be turning that way.”

At the weekend, Israeli police riot troops waded into a thoroughly non-violent sit-in near the entrance to this East Jerusalem settlement zone, where Palestinian residents were expelled by Israeli court order, to allow their homes to be taken over by Jews.

What was curious here was not the neck-wrenching brutality of the Yasam riot police in their gunmetal gray uniforms, bristling with assault rifles, clubs, tear gas and helmets, arrayed against the demonstrators, most of of them Israeli Jews, some of them well past retirement age.

What was surprising was not the fact that several burly officers, seeing a young Reshet Bet (Israel State Radio news) reporter - his microphone clearly and unmistakably marked, interview one of the seated demonstrators - jump him and drag him away in a headlock to a police custody van.

In the end, what was peculiar was that the police seemed so entirely bewildered, so completely lacking in clear orders, left on their own to decide how to proceed in an arena of hair-trigger sensitivity. Fascism with a confused face.

Why should we be concerned by any of this? Perhaps because we have made our peace with a number of factors that can turn a society toward fascism as a solution.

1. Losing a War.

We’ve lost two in the space of less than three years. Our targets, Hezbollah and Hamas, are better armed and entrenched than ever. Our strategic and diplomatic standing is in decline. Iran and Syria are ascendant. And there is abundant reason to suspect that the Gaza War, a major factor in the loss of our international standing, may have been altogether avoidable, the huge civilian death toll indefensible and unconscionable. This has, in turn, led to

2. International quarantine, a sense of being scapegoated, and a search for an internal fifth column.

3. A radical redefinition of positive values.

Look no further than the name of Jerusalem’s obscene Museum of Tolerance project.

4. Olfactory fatigue

We have grown desensitized to the consequences of actively denying basic staples and construction supplies to 1.5 million people in Gaza, many of them still waiting to rebuild homes we destroyed.

We have grown inured to the appropriation of Palestinian-owned West Bank land, to abusive treatment of law-abiding Palestinians at checkpoints, to the ill-treatment and summary expulsion of foreign workers, to racist, anti-democratic and, yes, fascistic rulings by extreme rightist rabbis, especially some of those holding official positions in the West Bank.

5. Fascism by rubber stamp.

“There are a million reasons why someone would be denied entry into Israel,” Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Hadad said Monday, when asked about the ministry’s border policies in the wake of the Chomsky ban.
“There may be a million reasons, but try to find a single criterion for entry refusal and you’ll hit a blank wall,” said Association for Civil Rights in Israel attorney Oded Feller. “The Interior Ministry simply doesn’t publish them, despite a court ruling that ordered them to do so.”

6. The sense that despite everything, all is well.

There will be those who argue that the fact that I, or my Haaretz colleagues, are allowed to publish what we do, is proof that there is no fascism here, nor evidence of a police state.

The fact is that were we not Israeli Jews, and part of an establishment institution, any of us could find ourselves tossed out on the same pavement, and with the same lack of due process and due explanation, as Noam Chomsky.

7. The sense that there is a war on now, when there isn’t.

8. Selective enforcement of court rulings. Routine defiance of same, in particular by radical settlers

9. The 180-degree untruth that officials allow Israeli and Jerusalem Arabs to do what they want, while cracking down on their Jewish neighbors.

10. Equating criticism of the government with favoring the destruction of Israel.

This has become increasingly felt beyond Israel’s borders. In San Francisco, the canary in the coal mine of free discourse within the Jewish community, the Jewish Federation [JCF] recently revised and tightened the terms under which it agrees to grant funds to organizations.

“The JCF does not fund organizations that through their mission, activities or partnerships … advocate for, or endorse, undermining the legitimacy of Israel as a secure independent, democratic Jewish state, including through participation in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, in whole or in part.”

The guidelines go on to state that “Presentations by organizations or individuals that are critical of particular Israeli government policies but are supportive of Israel’s right to exist as a secure independent Jewish democratic state” are “generally in accord with the policy statement,” but “early JCRC [Jewish Community Relations Council] consultation is strongly encouraged and the programming should be presented within an overall program strategy that is consistent with JCF’s core values.”

Can all this have spread this far, this fast? Because of Israel, have Bay Area Jews who do not believe in a specifically Jewish state, now forfeited their right to be part of the Jewish community? Have Jews who love Israel but are seen as too critical, or who support a boycott to make their criticisms manifest, been effectively excommunicated?

It’s a free country, I guess.

Nakba Day San Francisco 5-15-10

Акция по прорыву блокады Газы объединила мусульман, христиан и иудеев

19.05.2010 17:49

Надежда Кеворкова: Акция по прорыву блокады Газы объединила мусульман, христиан и иудеев

В гуманитарной флотилии «Свободная Газа» Россию будет представлять журналист Надежда Кеворкова. 9 кораблей с необходимой гуманитарной помощью для блокадной Газы снарядили общественные движения Ирландии, Греции, Марокко, Турции и других европейских и азиатских стран.
Читать дальше »»»

Жители уезда Сурхрод возмущены действиями военных НАТО

В час ночи в пятницу Абдулу Гафура, начальника полиции уезда Сурхрод провинции Нангахар, разбудил телефонный звонок. Звонившие сообщили ему о стрельбе в доме одного из местных жителей, Рафиуддина Кушкаки. Гафур быстро снарядил три полицейских машины и вместе со своими подчиненными прибыл на место происшествия, пишет газета «The Washingoton Post». «Я подумал, что талибы, должно быть, совершили нападение на дом этого человека», – рассказывает он.

Но начальник полиции ошибся. Огонь по жителям дома открыли представители объединенного патруля сил НАТО и афганских войск. В результате рейда были убиты девять человек.

Хотя представители НАТО описывают свои действия в Нангахаре как успешную операцию по ликвидации повстанцев «Талибана», родственники погибших утверждают, что военные атаковали мирных жителей. Хотя представителям властей затруднительно выяснить истинные обстоятельства происшествия, ситуация свидетельствует о несогласованности действий сил НАТО с местной полицией. Представители власти сообщают, что знали о готовящейся боевой операции, но о ее цели и времени проведения представители войск не сообщили. Кроме того, полицейские были возмущены тем, что при проведении операции им было запрещено приближаться к дому менее чем на 200 метров. По их словам, военные НАТО даже открывали огонь в их сторону, если кто-то порывался нарушить запрет.

Операция, проведенная в пятницу, вызвала протесты и осуждения старейшин, а также полиции. «Здесь я отвечаю за безопасность, я должен знать, что происходит, – подчеркнул Абдул Гафур. – В отчетах нашей разведки не содержится никакой информации об этих людях. Есть ли она у сил коалиции?».

Жители дома полагают, что целью атаки НАТО был командир «Талибана» Кари Шамсуддин, но военные совершили ошибку и застрелили не того человека. Но представители НАТО отрицают достоверность этой картины событий. По данным сил коалиции, в доме обнаружено пять автоматов, пистолеты, рации, военная форма американской пехоты и большое количество амуниции. «По многочисленным данным разведки, этот человек был тем, кого мы искали, – говорит подполковник Тодд Бриссил, представитель НАТО в Кабуле. – Он был виновен в убийствах войск коалиции, и теперь он не сможет повторить этого».

Хозяин дома Рафиуддин Кушкаки рассказывает, что проснулся от звуков выстрелов. Солдаты стояли на крыше дома, стреляя по комнатам, в которых жили его многочисленные родственники. Шофер, ночевавший в близлежащей гостинице, увидел нападавших и открыл по ним огонь. Кушкаки тоже схватил автомат и присоединился к перестрелке, защищая родных. «Мы целый час не понимали, кто это, – объясняет он. – Мы думали, что это воры».

Рафиуддину Кушкаки удалось выжить в перестрелке, но он потерял 16-летнего сына Хабибуддина и брата Хафизуддина. Также при налете погибли старый крестьянин Саид Рахим, четверо его сыновей и еще двое мужчин.

Кушкаки водит машину Захира Кадира, сына Абдул Кадира, сражавшегося с талибами вместе с Хамидом Карзаем. Вчера на встрече старейшин Захир Кадир осудил жестокое нападение, заявил, что погибшие были мирными жителями, и потребовал, чтобы два жителя дома, арестованные силами США в ходе рейда, были освобождены.

«Они всегда получают неверную информацию. Это недопустимо, – сказал он о войсках США. – Если они убивают наших людей, к ним невозможно относиться как к друзьям».

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Many Voices Singing One Song

by Philip Giraldi
Several weeks ago the redoubtable Charles Schumer of New York announced the Yahweh himself had anointed him Israel’s defender in the US Senate. In a radio interview Schumer explained “You know, my name …. comes from the word shomer, guardian, watcher. My ancestors were guardians of the ghetto wall in Chortkov. And I believe Hashem (God) actually gave me that name. One of my roles, very important in the United States senate, is to be a shomer — to be the shomer Yisrael. And I will continue to be that with every bone in my body …”

Schumer’s very interesting comments, suggesting that he has a rather narrow view of his responsibility to represent all the people of New York State, were not reported anywhere in the mainstream media. It was apparently not considered newsworthy that a Senator from the Empire State had pledged love and loyalty to a foreign country. Schumer’s affections are particularly noteworthy as he is being spoken of as the next Senate Majority leader if Harry Reid takes a well deserved fall in the midterm elections. Schumer is, of course, not alone in his sentiments. His colleague from New Jersey Frank Lautenberg, who has traveled to Israel more than 80 times, has also been called, though perhaps it should be one of Israel’s Senators as there are clearly multiple candidates. Who could exclude Joe Israel’s Senator Lieberman of Connecticut? If one includes only Schumer, Lieberman, and Lautenberg Israel still has more senators representing its interests than any state in the union.

Both Joe Biden and Sarah Palin effused about their love for Israel during their vice presidential debate in 2008. Many lower house federal legislators could rightly be termed Congressmen from Israel, including Howard Berman, Eric Cantor, Jerrold Nadler, Anthony Weiner, Shelley Berkley, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Eliot Engel recently described Israel as the “best ally the United States has in the Middle East, but I would argue the best ally in the world”…adding that if the US pressures Israel “you’re going to hear it from me.” Congresswoman Jane Harman actually agreed to help an Israeli intelligence officer by using her influence to derail the trial of two American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) officials. Harman is still sitting in her plush office on Capitol Hill instead of in jail, where she belongs.

But there is another category of Israel firster that differs from the homegrown variety. Has anyone wondered at the large number of foreigners who have somehow made their way into Washington’s think tank and media punditry industry? They are found most commonly at places like the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Hudson Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Saban Center at Brookings, and, of course at the AIPAC-founded Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy (WINEP). They come from Australia, Europe, and Israel itself but the one thing they all have in common is that they, like Schumer, love and protect Israel. If one were suspicious, it might be possible to wonder whether there is some kind of mechanism operating whereby advocates of Israel are hand-picked and godfathered through the system. With unusual persistence and a high level of resiliency, many of them eventually become the dominant voices at the various think tanks so that eventually no dissenting opinions are allowed. Hollywood billionaire Haim Saban’s money has turned the once moderate Brookings into an Israeli mouthpiece while AEI and Heritage, which used to be traditionally conservative bastions, have now become home bases for the neocon foreign policy.

A list of the prominent foreigners who attempt to shape opinion in the United States ought to begin with one of the better known, Martin Indyk. Indyk’s trajectory would appear to be fiction, but it is, alas, true. He was born in London and educated in Australia. After a stint working for the Likud Party in Tel Aviv, he came to the United States in 1982 and settled in as a lobbyist for Israel. He became head of WINEP in 1985 and was increasingly identified advising leading Democratic politicians. The payback came when George H. W. Bush refused Israeli loan guarantees in 1992 and lost the presidential election. Bill Clinton’s narrow victory was by many attributed to the help he received from the Israel Lobby and its media friends. When the new administration moved in it was time to reward Indyk. Clinton agreed to place him on the National Security Council with the Middle East portfolio with the understanding he would be fast tracked as US Ambassador to Israel. But there was only one problem: Indyk was not an American citizen. The White House had Indyk nationalized by act of Congress in 1993 so the appointment could be made. While in Israel as US Ambassador, Indyk was regarded as extremely close to the Israeli government. So close that he apparently forgot whom he worked for. In September 2000 he was detected sharing classified information with Israeli government officials and his clearance was suspended, very unusual for an ambassador. Indyk is now Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings and appears frequently in the media discussing the Middle East.

Ilan Berman is another media fixture who is promoted as an expert on Iran and, per his official bio, “an expert on regional security in the Middle East.” Berman is a Vice President of the American Foreign Policy Council, a neocon affiliated group that has run television ads promoting taking a hard line with Iran. Berman’s has written Tehran Rising: Iran’s Challenge to the United States and his latest work is Winning the Long War: Retaking the Offensive Against Radical Islam. Berman’s bio does not indicate where he was born or provide details of his education, but he would appear to be an Israeli and his actual knowledge of either Iran or of “Radical Islam” might well be derivative. He is a member of the Ariel Center, a Likud-oriented think tank in Israel, which is partially funded by California bingo magnate Irving Moskowitz.

Danielle Pletka, born in Australia, is Vice President for Foreign and Defense Policies at the neocon American Enterprise Institute. Andrew Sullivan, who once worked for her, has described the integrity of her scholarship in an article she wrote urging Washington to tighten the screws on Iran: “The form is set by the neoconservative agenda and she mobilizes a narrative that fills in the blanks to serve that agenda. Unwilling if not incapable of producing an article any other way, she is more than content to reverse engineer her position … Her final statement is telling. ‘…Iran neither needs nor wants accommodation with the West,’ and it is clear to me this would have been her conclusion regardless of what the preceding 800 words had been.” Pletka supported the Iraq war, was a leading cheerleader for Ahmed Chalabi, believes in torture, and wants to go to war with Iran.

And then there is Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch. Itamar resides in Israel but is frequently in the United States advising Americans on what they should think about Palestinians. Wikipedia reports this concerning him: “In February 2007 together with Sen. Hillary Clinton he released a report on the newest PA schoolbooks at a press conference in Washington. Marcus testified before the Education Subcommittee of the US Senate Committee on Allocations, documenting the Palestinian Authority’s indoctrination of children to seek death as Shahids –Martyrs – for public relations purposes.” Marcus is a featured source for the documentary Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West. Some might recall that Obsession was a neocon DVD production mailed free to millions of Americans shortly before the 2008 election by an organization calling itself the Endowment for Middle East Truth.

Good things can sometimes come in pairs as in the case of the Wurmsers. Meyrav was born in Israel and her husband David was born in Switzerland. David was most recently the Middle East adviser to Dick Cheney and he also worked for John Bolton and Doug Feith. He was one of the authors of “A Clean Break,” a strategy document provided in 1996 to then and current Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. Wurmser advocated preemptive strikes against Iran and Syria and abandonment of land for peace deals with the Palestinians. He also supports US military action against Tehran and Damascus. In 2004 he was interviewed by the FBI regarding the passage of classified intelligence to Ahmed Chalabi and also to AIPAC. David’s wife Meyrav was a co-author of “A Clean Break” and founder of Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which assiduously translates all of the “particularly virulent and anti-US and anti-Israel articles” that it can find in the Arabic press. MEMRI is widely regarded as a front for Israeli intelligence. Meyrav is currently Director of the Center for Middle East Policy for the Hudson Institute and is a contributing expert at the Ariel Center.

The list goes on and on. There are the Canadians Anne Bayefsky of the Hudson Institute, who called US protests over the decision to announce 1600 new Jewish homes on the West Bank during Vice-President’s Biden’s visit “hysterical”, and David Frum, who allegedly coined the phrase “axis of evil” and is now advancing the new Israeli argument that peace talks with the Palestinians are irrelevant. Other prominent Israelis include Yossef Bodansky, author of The High Cost of Peace: How Washington’s Middle East Policy Left America Vulnerable to Terrorism; Yigal Carmon, a colonel in Israeli intelligence and a co-founder of MEMRI; and Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of Funding Evil, who has testified in Europe and the US that the Palestinian Authority uses its money to subsidize terrorism. Peruvian-born Eleana Benador has been referred to as a “theatrical agent” for a long string of neocons, arranging their generously remunerated speeches and public appearances. Iraqi-born Rita Katz of SITE has turned monitoring of what she describes as Jihadi websites into a big business, though some believe she has hyped the threat. And there are many more foreign-born neoconservatives at American universities, institutes, and even in government, all helping each other to obtain positions, favorably review each others books, and assiduously move up the ladder. Most of them connect through associations like the Ariel Center, JINSA, AIPAC, WINEP, the Committee on the Present Danger, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, the Hudson Institute, and AEI. An astonishing number of them wind up at the National Defense University. Curiously, for many of them it is not altogether clear what their qualifications are to discuss the Middle East as “experts.” How many actually speak Arabic and Farsi or have lived in the countries or among the people that they regularly excoriate?

Are these people dangerous? Well, maybe. Many foreigners have come to the United States to make their fortunes and there is nothing wrong with that. But, in this case, there would appear to be a certain unanimity of viewpoint and a marching in lock step that is just a tad disconcerting, particularly as it has helped shape the foreign policy narrative. There is no deviation from hard right Likud positions, never any criticism of Israel, and always complete agreement on the need to confront Iran militarily. One might reasonably ask to what extent it is a coordinated effort to steer Washington in a certain direction, not unlike the neocons in the Pentagon under President George W. Bush. In any event, the presence of so many self-styled agenda-driven “experts” possessing regular media access raises questions about the objectivity of the policy-making process in Washington. If you seed enough partisans into the system and they are all singing the same tune that is then played and replayed in the media even a whole parcel of lies can eventually seem to be the truth.