Monday, January 18, 2010

Mohamed Khodr – 2050: The Re-Birth of a New Just Nation

In 1915 D. W. Griffith produced the movie “The Birth of a Nation” based on Thomas Dixon’s book “The Clansman”. It was hailed as a breakthrough movie in terms of its cinematic techniques. It became the most popular and highest grossing movie of its time among White America. It was even screened in the White House for President Woodrow Wilson, ironically, the architect of the League of Nations as an organization to establish peace in the world after World War One. President Wilson was quoted in the movie itself praising the heroic story of the Klu Klux Klan, a white racist supremacist group, in its valor to save a white woman from the barbaric animalistic instinct of a “negro” accused of raping and soiling the purity of the white woman.

In fact, in 1992 the United States Library of Congress deemed the film "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant film" and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry. For decades thereafter Hollywood studios, a Jewish founded and run institution, continued to portray all minorities such as Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Arabs and Muslims in stereotypical roles as inferior, primitive, often barbaric peoples who serve the White Man’s racial and violent nature.

Admittedly things have changed for the better for America’s minorities; after all we have an African American President. But in many other ways things have not changed. Minorities are still marginalized and under-represented in every American Institution especially in positions of power from Academia, to the Media, Television, Hollywood and local, state and federal governments, especially in Congress.

The powerful elite in America are still white, rich, well educated, corporate barons who in effect run our financial and banking system, are the bedrock of campaign financing and thus own our politicians, and who have the media power to make or break ambitious Americans seeking a piece of the Corporate or Political Pie. (See George Carlin’s Video below on the powerful elite)

Tragically absent from such a system and its institutions are the “forgotten” impoverished, less educated, ghetto and housing project residents, who have little to no opportunities to advance. They are perceived by white America as lazy, violence-prone, immoral, or who survive on white taxes and welfare programs. They are acceptable as athletes for white sports owners, as maids, servants, janitors, cooks, baggage handlers, and taxi drivers. While the Elite are in boardrooms, hold political and economic power, are members of expensive often exclusivist clubs, live in their suburban mansions to escape the “violence and filth of inner cities” but are clueless to the marginalization and suffering of America’s minorities often ethnically profiled, hounded for their immigrant status, and who serve longer jail sentences than their white counterparts for the same crime. There are more African Americans in jail than are in colleges and universities.

No group has the largest political and economic influence in this country than Jewish Americans. Although they comprise less than 1.7% of the population they are over-represented in every American institution from academia, to the financial and banking sector, politics, the media, Hollywood, in powerful highly influential special interest groups (ex. AIPAC, ADL) whose main priority is not America’s interests, such as serving the have-nots of this country, but whose true allegiance is to a foreign nation, Israel.

American Minorities must study the example and rapid rise of Jewish Americans as an example for their future role in this country. Jewish Americans are the richest, most educated, most ambitious ethnic group in the country. They overcame racism and flagrant discrimination to become the power house they are today through hard work and an overemphasis and appreciation of education as keys to their success.

Examples of Jewish American Success:

Economic Power:

A longtime revolving door exists between officials (mainly Jewish) leading Wall Street Financial and Banking institutions and high government jobs, especially in the White House, State and Treasury Departments. This situation has created a corrupt system whereby government policy and hundreds of billions of bailout dollars favor Wall Street where current government officials were CEO’s or Directors of such banks, financial institutions and brokerage firms.

Although the TARP tax dollar bailout was publicly reported to be less than $800 Billion a closer study reported in Mother Jones Magazine (Jan/Feb 2009) revealed the true cost to tax payers of this bailout of Wall Street, the very banks responsible for the recession and economic crisis, is actually $14 Trillion dollars.

Where can this unimaginable money going to Wall Street be better spent? (This excludes the $145 Billion bonuses bank executives are receiving courtesy of tax payers this year alone)

According to the same Mother Jones article this money can meet most needs of the American people.

Just to mention a few projects this money can support:

–$347 Billion: Sending all 2009 US high school grads to private college
–$860 Billion: 20 years of High Quality Universal Pre School Education in US
–$878 Billion: Buying a house for every homeless American
–$2.2 Trillion: 10 years of private health insurance for uninsured Americans
–$3.5 Trillion: Paying off 1/3 of US home mortgages

The extraordinary over-representation of Jewish Americans in the public–private economic and financial sectors as well as in Foreign Policy positions that primarily focus on the Middle East to the benefit of Israel’s national interest, not America’s, is incredulous. It is the Neoconservatives, mainly Jewish, who lyingly pushed for the Iraq War for the sake of Oil and Israel’s interests. None of these neoconservatives ever served in the U.S. military yet do not hesitate to send Americans to die for their causes, mainly for corporations and Israel.

A few examples of Jewish Americans holding the top economic positions in the White House, Treasury, Federal Reserve and Wall Street::

White House ↔ Treasury ↔ Federal Reserve ↔ Wall Street

Rahm Emmanuel Timothy Geithner Benjamin Bernanke Goldman Sachs

Larry Summers Neil Wolin Bear Stearns

Paul Volcker Gene Sperling Lehman Brothers

Peter Orszag Kenneth Feinberg Many CEO’s: Jewish

Jared Bernstein Neil Barofsky

Lael Brainard

Stuart Levey

An example of Jewish tribal unity and collaboration is Time Magazine’s choice for 2009 Man of the Year: Benjamin Bernanke.
Ben (Benjamin) Shalom Bernanke (Jewish), Chair of the Federal Reserve, is facing a rocky Senate confirmation for a second term as Chair of the Federal Reserve. To assist him and support him in this confirmation process Richard Stengell (Jewish), Managing Editor of Time Magazine and who makes the final decision on Man of the Year, chose Bernanke as Time’s 2009 Man of the Year despite documented failures in his job. Time Magazine is part of Time Warner whose CEO and Chairman is Jeffrey L. Bewkes (Jewish). This is tribal unity and collaboration at its finest. No one doubts his reconfirmation to his present position.

– Jewish Americans, 1.7% of Populations, but are 49% of American Billionaires: (TransWorldNews: 11/6/09)

As of 2008 18% of Jewish households had a net worth of $1 million plus. Twenty of the richest 50 are Jewish. Those top 20 control some $211.8 billion in personal wealth. In the top 20 only one African American makes the list, Oprah Winfrey.

The Jerusalem Post, October 11, 2007 reported the following:

According to Vanity Fair’s list of the 100 of the "world's most powerful people," 51% are Jewish. It's an exclusive, insular club, one whose influence stretches around the globe but is concentrated strategically in the highest corridors of power.

The article also states that “the list is populated by a Cohen and a Rothschild, a Bloomberg and a Perelman, the list would seem to conform to all the traditional stereotypes about areas of Jewish overrepresentation.”
Foreign Aid to Israel versus Africa, Central and South America:

According to a Christian Science Monitor Article written seven years ago, since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion. If divided by 2007’s U.S. population this amounts to each American paying $5,700 per person. So far that’s more than double the cost of the Vietnam War. (Christian Science Monitor: “Economist tallies swelling cost of Israel to US”, Dec. 9, 2002)

That’s not the entire story. Israel annually requests additional loans (Israel has never paid these loans) worth anywhere from $4 to $10 Billion. Obama just recently approved an additional $30 Billion aid to Israel over the next decade. This amount was originally set for America’s Child Health Program (SCHIP) but was diverted to Congress’ greater priority, Israel. The constant lie is that Israel only receives $3 Billion annually but funding to Israel is added to multiple agency appropriations.

All this foreign aid comprising one third of total U.S. foreign aid to a nation that is only 0.001% of the world’s population and is the sixteenth richest country in the world with a higher per capita income than several European nations when our own country is facing huge deficits and where money is needed for the homeless, unemployed and hungry Americans is an outrage that Americans are unaware of. It’s tantamount to middle class Americans sending aid to Bill Gates. That’s the power of Israel and the Jewish Lobby in America over our government, especially Congress.

In addition, there is more than $1.5 billion in private U.S. funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in private tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds, all tax deductible, which is an additional cost to American taxpayers.

Only Israel can raise illegal funds in the U.S to build more illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories in direct violation of U.S. Laws, U.S.foreign policy, U.N. Resolutions, and the Fourth Geneva Convention. But our government overlooks such violations due to the intimidation and power of the Israeli Lobby and its hold on Congress and the Media, which is mostly founded, owned or run by Jewish Americans.
Population by Race/Ethnicity in 2008 and Projection to 2050:

Compare the above information and statistics to the actual population figures by Race/Ethnicity today and projected to 2050 to truly understand the magnitude of the power of a minority elite who monopolize the wealth, priorities and policies of this nation to the detriment of America’s minority populations. The income gap between the rich and poor continues to expand exponentially. At times of an economic recession as experienced today the self serving elite continue to get richer at the expense of America’s low and middle class by siphoning more government money to their institutions while cutting governmental expenditure and aid to low and middle class Americans. America’s families, especially the children, end up sacrificing their health and welfare to the benefit of the financial barons.

Education, Education, Education

There is no future without a strong educational foundation. Minorities have the highest high school drop out rates with small percentages pursuing higher education. This is a complex issue that is related to family structure, cultural attitudes, unemployment, educational opportunities, and socio economic status. We must enter educational fields that impact our capitalistic society—Education, Political Science, Economics, Business, Media and Journalism, Advertising, Academia, International Relations, Medicine, Law, Sciences, Public Relations, Public Health and Movie making.

The journey to the future will rise or fall depending on educating our youth and parents as well. It is up to community members to study and strategize to remedy this tragedy.
C. Massive Voter Registration Campaigns.
D. Working with Law enforcement, Faith Groups, Schools, Community Organizations, Public Health Departments, Hospitals, and the media to cleanse the community of gangs, drug and alcohol sales and use, abstinence or safe sex education to prevent out of wedlock births and sexually transmitted diseases.

Fund Raising
All Americans who care about our national future where the national debt, budge and trade deficits, poor educational outcomes, a broken health care system, an almost bankrupt Social Security System and Medicare, huge income gaps between the rich and poor, a corrupt campaign financing system that favors the rich, a lost youthful generation, loss of moral priorities, dominance of special interest groups and what George Washington called a “Passionate Attachment” to foreign nations (today none more so than with Israel) due to the influence of powerful minorities, constant wars, and much more, must organize to raise the funds necessary to finance valued, well organized, led and purposeful community organizations. If every employed and able American just donates one dollar a month that will raise over $1.5 Billion as a down payment for our future that must begin with improving our school infrastructure, hiring more qualified and well paid teachers, thus improving our educational outcomes. Such subjects as Geography, History, Civics, World Religions and Cultures, Science, Languages, Art and Music and physical education have been sacrificed in our middle and high schools to ineffective standardized testing that emphasize reading, writing and math.

Indeed, it’s simpler to enumerate plans and strategies than to implement them. But we either change and prepare from today for our majority role in the future or our numbers will simply be an asterisk in the history books as a people who failed themselves, their nation and the world. Wasting this unprecedented and historic opportunity will be a sin and a crime against humanity. We will be doomed to accept our status quo and the fault will be all ours to bear. Our children born today will pay for our apathy and we will be directly responsible and complicit in their dismal miserable lives.

What will we do to prepare for a more united just America? Only you and I individually and collectively can answer this question.

As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday it’s important to recall his 1967 speech “A Time to Break Silence” where he outlined his opposition to the Vietnam War. In the speech he called America “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” For his principled stand Time magazine called the speech "demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi," and the Washington Post declared that King had "diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people."
His words resonated then as it does now as it will forever. He challenged America to commit to a revolutionary change to reclaim its present and future to a more just and peaceful cause here and abroad.
“If we do not act we shall surely be dragged down the long dark and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who possess power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight……

Now let us begin. Now let us rededicate ourselves to the long and bitter — but beautiful — struggle for a new world. This is the calling of the sons of God, and our brothers wait eagerly for our response. Shall we say the odds are too great? Shall we tell them the struggle is too hard? Will our message be that the forces of American life militate against their arrival as full men, and we send our deepest regrets? Or will there be another message, of longing, of hope, of solidarity with their yearnings, of commitment to their cause, whatever the cost? The choice is ours, and though we might prefer it otherwise we must choose in this crucial moment of human history.”

–The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, “A Time to Break Silence”, April 4, 1967
Time to begin the first step, time to reclaim America for all Americans.

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