Sunday, January 10, 2010

Iran & Yemen are next on the list!

Hitler invaded countries under no pretext. He just wanted war.

NATO and the West are invading countries under the pretext that they are fighting terror when they are the biggest greedy terrorists on the planet. Oil, gas, and other natural resources are what they’re after, why don’t they just put on a mask and say, “Hands up!”, like they did in Iraq.

Now Iran and Hitler invaded countries under no pretext. He just wanted war.

NATO and the West are invading countries under the pretext that they are fighting terror when they are the biggest greedy terrorists on the planet. Oil, gas, and other natural resources are what they’re after, why don’t they just put on a mask and say, “Hands up!”, like they did in Iraq.

Now Iran and Yemen are next on their list.

But they won’t pick on Russia because it’s too strong for them and they are up to their eyes in China because it’s pulling the West out of the economic recession with its economic power, regardless of the fact that China has committed more “human rights abuses” than Iraq, Iran and Sudan!!!

Brit from the United Kingdom are next on their list.!-.html

But they won’t pick on Russia because it’s too strong for them and they are up to their eyes in China because it’s pulling the West out of the economic recession with its economic power, regardless of the fact that China has committed more “human rights abuses” than Iraq, Iran and Sudan!!!

Brit from the United Kingdom

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